Tah Tah For Now... We're off to the Great Midwest for a few days to visit with my family. I'll see you back here next week. Until then, here are a few photos from last Saturday's
Timbers' game for your enjoyment.

Ryan got his hands on one of the flags supplied by the
Timbers' Army. I tried waving it, but am not quite tall enough to manage it effectively. The flag kept bonking the heads of those around me. Oops. So, it all came down to Ryan, who waved it so enthusiastically that he ended up with a blister - Ouch!

My beautiful sisters. Sanna (left), Ryan's sister, was down from Seattle for the weekend. We may have turned her into a soccer fan with this little outing. Y'all have met Lex already...

Aww, aren't we cute?

Umm, I have no excuse for this... Just couldn't help myself... See you next week!
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