Gettin' Away

The bags are packed. We're taking the train! We will eat, and eat, and eat some more. We will watch the Cubs play/beat the Mariners. We will see my lovely sister-in-law and meet her new kitties. We will walk the city (see all of that eating we plan to do?!). We will visit a yarn store, or maybe two. (Please, Ryan? All these trips to Seattle and we haven't visited even one!)

This is what I'm bringing to keep me busy on the train & at the game:
  • Two [very different] magazines, the June issues of British Country Living and Bust.
  • A pack of notecards to write some shamefully overdue letters to my pen-pals. (Sorry, girls - I'll try to suck less in the future!)
  • My current knitting project, Camellia.
Hopefully I'll have pictures of some other recently finished knitting projects to share when I get back. Also upcoming: pictures from the garden, peeks into a pile of craft books providing me with lots of inspiration, new sewing projects, a collaboration with my sister, and (of course!) photos from the trip.

Hope the first official week of summer is bringing you all lots of new fun and adventures. See you soon!


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