Olympic Dreams
Four more years until the next Winter Olympics. We watched a bit here and there. I can't lie, I really like the opening & closing ceremonies the best. I get all teary-eyed at the pageantry, especially during the Parade of Nations. (Goodness, I'm a big ol' dork! You should see me at parades...) For me the competitions are just extras. We watched several skiing events, some speed skating, and some luge. Oh, and we saw some curling, which I don't understand but think is awesome. I couldn't seam to handle figure skating this year.
I'm quite proud of achieving my personal Olympic goals this year, or more accurately, my Ravelympic goals. I competed as part of Team SKC. (SKC stands for Sexy Knitter Club, a Ravelry group to which I belong.) You already saw my first submission, Arran, over here. I entered it in several events: Cable Cross Country, Stash Dance, and Sweaterboard Cross.
My next submission was Dark Cloud, my version of Ysolda Teague's Cloud Bolero, knit using some discontinued Rowan Romance, which was purchased on sale at Close Knit a few years ago. It was entered in Lace Luge, Stash Dance, and Sweaterboard Cross.
My final submissions were the Mary Jane Beret, from Theresa Belville's Mary Jane's Pithy Hat, and my own Impulse Scarf. The beret and scarf were made of one skein each of GGH Samoa, which I snapped up at Lint's going out of business sale a few years back. I had planned to use it in making a spring beret last spring, but never settled on a pattern. After finishing Dark Cloud, I was feeling the need to make a couple of quick projects and, well, you know the rest. Of course, since I live in Matchy-Matchy land, I needed a scarf to go with the beret, and improvised the scarf. Both items were entered in the Lace Luge, Single Skein Speed Skate, and Stash Dance. They were also entered in the Hat Halfpipe and Scarf Super G, respectively.
So, to recap, I completed 4 projects in 14 days, all knit with yarns in my stash. I'm pretty damned proud of myself. I think I need a cake.
Zoinks. I can't believe you knit all that in two weeks! I will personally bake you a cake. You like funfetti?