
This beautiful photo of our sweet girl, looking quite imperious, was taken by my talented friend Eden. Eden posted it over on her blog yesterday, you should go check it out.

Eden is not only a lovely person, she is a woman of many gifts. And she shares those gifts. Eden was my prenatal yoga instructor. I looked forward to her class every week and have missed it dearly since Dylan's birth. Eden creates a warm and supportive environment for her mammas. She fosters a sense of community a belonging. She gives great advice on how to manage some of the less comfortable aspects of pregnancy. She is super encouraging about breast feeding, babywearing, cloth diapering, and sleep sharing. And she really helps to work out all of those kinks!!!

My yoga practice not only helped to keep me fit, but it really prepared me for labor & birth. I totally attribute my ability to maintain a sense of calm, balance, and strength through those long hours to my yoga practice & to the safe place within it helped me create.

After Dylan's arrival, several of the mammas from the class started a weekly group of our own. Meeting with those mammas & our sweet babies over the last year has been such a joy. The group has grown & grown & now we have so many new & wonderful friends.

Thank you, Eden, for the photo of Dylan & for sharing all of your gifts.


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